Saturday 31 May 2008

This is Baji Quan

Most of the Wu Tan students from Belgium know the teaching of Sifu Mike is very traditional based, with lots of Jiben gong (basics/structure/dynamic stretching/balance/etc...). Long Fist and Tan Tui being the very basic training for building up the body and mind from scratch. The advance students are practising Mantis, teacher Mike's speciality. As Sifu's mastery in other Kungfu styles is so perfect (accurate in powergeneration, body allignment, battle effective, philosophy), it is almost uncanny. One of the styles he also master is called Baji, As an absolute beginner, I have very little idea of Baji as a Kungfu style. All I know is I once had to try hitting teacher mike with a tsuki shodan (karate fist to the head). Of course I missed, but when in the collision I was realising the miss, I was already hit three times by teacher Mike. It was also scary because any one of those hit when used with chi would have send me flying and cause serious damage. That move was from Baji Quan.

So I went browsing and found a great video (to my beginner's eye) of different Baji forms. The power generation through the body, the firm stances whilst the body in motion.... remember the training from standing up (inhale) to mabu (exhale), where we were not allowed to jump but using the whole body to shift up and down instead? Well, I think these Baji Masters are doing it all the time: the changing of stances are swift, yet the feet remains sucked on the ground.

Further, hehe... do you also see small resemblance of Hsing I, Tongbei and Long Fist?

UPDATE: Thanks for the comment, Mike Laoshi. As you have said many times; training is not only a physical aspect, it involves the mind too. One can copy the moves, but this will result in shallow and weak postures. Instead one should DO the moves. Therefor one must embrace to correct teaching and get rid of bad habits in their movements and postures. In order to embrace is to see, think, accept and let go (of your own weakness), this is mental training. The next step is getting rid of bad habits by training, go over the mistakes xxx times until it is right.

Thank you for teaching us with your heart.

1 comment:

kungfucamp said...


Very nicely put, now you see and feel the relation to the training methods.

Sometimes less said is better felt and awakened in ones self!!!

mike laoshi